Electronics Shop Biography
The fix-it or build-it spot for all your electronics needs.”
Consult with us on any the following issues:
Electronics Design
Bruce Fuller, manager for information technology services for the department, designs and constructs prototype instrumentation needed for research and teaching labs in the department. The shop also installs and maintains the department’s computer networking facilities, managing over six subnets in four buildings. And will also assemble and maintain unix workstations for your needs.
The fix-it or build-it spot for all your electronics needs.”
Consult with us on any the following issues:
- advice on purchasing lab equipment
- experiment integration, including data acquisition by computer
- updating older, but still serviceable equipment
- networking needs for your lab and students
- workstation and server hardware
- where to obtain help on just about any issue facing your research and teaching needs
Electronics Design
Bruce Fuller, manager for information technology services for the department, designs and constructs prototype instrumentation needed for research and teaching labs in the department. The shop also installs and maintains the department’s computer networking facilities, managing over six subnets in four buildings. And will also assemble and maintain unix workstations for your needs.
Electronics Shop
Electronics Shop
Electronics Shop
Electronics Shop
Electronics Shop
Electronics Shop
Electronics Shop
Electronics Shop
Electronics Shop
Electronics Shop
Electronics Shop
Electronics shop in Saigon, Vietnam
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